This Conference is organized in panels. Conference participants send all thematic proposals, not the Organization.

  • The submission of all proposals (full panels, open communications, audiovisuals, posters, workshops, book presentations and other formats) will be through the Conference website application.
  • Each participant will be able to sign only TWO communications proposals and TWO PROPOSALS of any of the other formats admitted in the Conference. If more than four proposals were submitted by the same author, the Organization will contact them and request that they select which proposal they prefer to withdraw. If no answer is obtained from the author, the Organization will withdraw the last submitted proposal.
  • It will not be possible for an author to submit two communications for the same panel.
  • We won’t request a full paper for the proposal you present during the Conference.
  • After the closing of the conference, the summaries of the communications will be published in ARIES and the delegate will have the possibility to also publish the full text of the communication (see, at the end of the Guidelines, the section on the ARIES journal).
  • The Organization does not certify the legal authorship of the work, it will only reflect the names of the people who have submitted the communication and who have registered for the Conference.
  • Anyone who submits a proposal, and once it has been reviewed and accepted for the Conference, will have to complete their registration in the AIBR Conference before APRIL 14th, 2024. Proposals whose authors have not registered prior to this date will be automatically eliminated from the Conference program. 

Completing the registration implies having paid the corresponding fee and providing the supporting documentation (when required) to the Organization by the submission deadline.

  • Most of the interaction of the congressmen and congresswomen with the Congress will take place through the Congressman Area. To enter the Congress Area, a USER ID (5 or 6 digit code, NOT an e-mail address) and PASSWORD must be used. The USER ID will be sent in the Congress registration confirmation e-mail, and the password will be generated by the congressman himself at the time of registration.

  • Please check the style, spelling, wording, technical vocabulary, and content of your submitted abstracts. Please follow the rules regarding the minimum and maximum number of words allowed. Your submission will be sent “as is” to the members of the Scientific Committee for evaluation, and will appear in the Conference Program if accepted. Spelling, personal data, or content of proposals will not be edited by the organization.





The summaries of all the communications accepted and included in the Program will be published once the Conference is over in the journal ARIES: ANUARIO DE ANTROPOLOGÍA IBEROAMERICANA (with ISSN 2530-7843).

The authors of communications presented at the AIBR Conference will have the opportunity to publish the full text of their communication in the ARIES journal. After the closing of the Congress, the ARIES editorial team will contact conference participants to inform them of how to upload their texts.

For more information, visit the AIBR website: http://aries.aibr.org/

NOTE: This regulation is subject to modifications by the Organizing Committee of the Conference and the Board of Directors of AIBR.


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