This Conference is organized in panels. Conference participants send all thematic proposals, not the Organization.
- The submission of all proposals (full panels, open communications, audiovisuals, posters, workshops, book presentations and other formats) will be through the Conference website application.
- Each participant will be able to sign only TWO communications proposals and TWO PROPOSALS of any of the other formats admitted in the Conference. If more than four proposals were submitted by the same author, the Organization will contact them and request that they select which proposal they prefer to withdraw. If no answer is obtained from the author, the Organization will withdraw the last submitted proposal.
- It will not be possible for an author to submit two communications for the same panel.
- We won’t request a full paper for the proposal you present during the Conference.
- After the closing of the conference, the summaries of the communications will be published in ARIES and the delegate will have the possibility to also publish the full text of the communication (see, at the end of the Guidelines, the section on the ARIES journal).
- The Organization does not certify the legal authorship of the work, it will only reflect the names of the people who have submitted the communication and who have registered for the Conference.
- Anyone who submits a proposal, and once it has been reviewed and accepted for the Conference, will have to complete their registration in the AIBR Conference before APRIL 14th, 2024. Proposals whose authors have not registered prior to this date will be automatically eliminated from the Conference program.
Completing the registration implies having paid the corresponding fee and providing the supporting documentation (when required) to the Organization by the submission deadline.
Most of the interaction of the congressmen and congresswomen with the Congress will take place through the Congressman Area. To enter the Congress Area, a USER ID (5 or 6 digit code, NOT an e-mail address) and PASSWORD must be used. The USER ID will be sent in the Congress registration confirmation e-mail, and the password will be generated by the congressman himself at the time of registration.
- Please check the style, spelling, wording, technical vocabulary, and content of your submitted abstracts. Please follow the rules regarding the minimum and maximum number of words allowed. Your submission will be sent “as is” to the members of the Scientific Committee for evaluation, and will appear in the Conference Program if accepted. Spelling, personal data, or content of proposals will not be edited by the organization.
Each panel will consist of a minimum of 4 communications and a maximum of 6 (including that of the panel coordinator) on a common theme. In total, the panel will have a maximum duration of two hours: this is, in a panel of six people, for example, fifteen minutes would be available for each speaker, and 30 minutes for general debate.
The person who coordinates the panel (only one person will be the coordinator for each panel), will be responsible for entering the panel details on the registration form, namely: a title, a summary of a minimum 175 words and a maximum of 250 words, 3 to 5 keywords, and the names of all panelists (please do NOT include all co-authors for each individual communication in the authors section, only the main author presenting, and registering, each communication). References to authorship in the abstract field will not be accepted. The proposal and the possibility of resubmission will be eliminated if this occurs. Likewise, self-citing or citing projects on which you are working and are identifiable will also make the proposal unfit for evaluation.
It will also be necessary to select from a list of theme options (drop-down menu in the registration form), the one that is most akin to the panel presented.
Once the panel has been registered, each individual panelist (including the coordinator, if they are also presenting a communication) must register the communications that comprise the panel through the communications registration form, indicating that it is a communication integrated in a panel (read below the guidelines for submitting communications). Panelists must indicate, in addition to their personal details, the theme of the panel, and the name of the panel the communication is part of (selecting from a drop-down menu). Please note that it could take several hours for the name of the panel to appear visible in the drop-down menu after it is registered by the coordinator.
To avoid problems, it is very important that all panelists know the exact title and the theme of the panel, as registered by the coordinator, since each panelist will have to include these details when registering their own communication.
In the event that panels composed of four or five communications are presented, the Organization could request the coordinator to include open communications of the same theme to the panel until completing the limit of six speakers. The inclusion of said communications will only be effective when and if the coordinator of the panel agrees on it. This will always be by a request of the Organization and never by the authors of any free communications.
OPEN COMMUNICATIONS (NOT part of a registered panel) and COMMUNICATIONS INTEGRATED IN A PANEL (registered panels)
The author will submit the proposal through the communications registration form available on the website. The proposal will include a title and an abstract of a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 250 words, as well as 3-5 keywords. References to authorship in the abstract field will not be accepted. The proposal and the possibility of resubmission will be eliminated if this occurs. Likewise, self-citing or citing projects on which you are working and which can be easily identifiable will also make the proposal unfit for evaluation.
In the case of communications integrated in a panel, the name of the first author of the communication must be written in the box “First Author” in the form, and it must match the author’s name that appears in the panel previously registered by the coordinator. Next, please write the names of the coauthor(s), if any (maximum of five).
The coauthors of the communication do not have to register the communication. It will only be registered once by the main author. Coauthors should only make the payment of their conference registration to attend the Conference.
It will also be necessary to select from a list of theme options (select from drop-down menu in the submission form) the one that is most akin to the proposal presented. In the case of communications integrated in panels, you should consult with your coordinator what is the topic they registered for the panel, so that they match.
The duration of each individual communication will be a maximum of 15 minutes. Exceptionally, and in the case of panels with less than six participants, the duration of each presentation may be somewhat longer, at the discretion of the coordinator. Communications will be presented by one person ONLY. By default, the Organization will take the person who has registered it as the presenter of the proposal, any news in this regard must be communicated by email to the Conference Organization.
Authors may use PowerPoint or other audiovisual presentation resources for the delivery of their communication.
The Organization of the Conference will distribute accepted open communications (not yet included in a panel) in thematic panels and may request one of the panelists to act as moderator of the panel. This request does not entail any kind of commitment on the part of the people consulted, who may or may not accept to act as moderators according to their interests.
The author will register the proposal through the registration form on the website, indicating that it is an audiovisual, and presenting a title and a summary with a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 250 words, as well as 3-5 keywords. It will also be necessary to select from a list of theme options (in the drop-down menu) the one that is most akin to the proposal presented.
It is essential to send the complete audiovisual file ready for viewing by the deadline set by the Organization. The file can be sent via the usual platforms (WeTransfer, etc.) to the email info.congreso@aibr.org.
-The minimum duration of the audiovisuals will be 10 minutes, and the maximum duration will be 100 minutes. The exact duration of the proposal must be indicated in the abstract.
– Audiovisuals in all languages will be accepted, as long as they are subtitled, at least, in Spanish.
The author will register the proposal through the registration form for individual proposals on the website, indicating that it is a poster, and presenting a title and a summary with a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 250 words, as well as 3-5 keywords.
References to authorship in the abstract field will not be accepted. The proposal and the possibility of resubmission will be eliminated if this occurs. Likewise, self-citing or citing projects on which you are working and are identifiable will also make the proposal unviable for evaluation. It will also be necessary to select from a list of theme options (drop-down menu in the registration form) the one that is most akin to the proposal presented.
When registering the proposal and submitting the abstract, an email with a PDF file with the poster attached must be sent to info.congreso@aibr.org without any reference to the author(s) data.
The size of the posters for their exhibition will be DIN-A1, and they can be of vertical or horizontal orientation. The delegate will be responsible for the printing and transportation of the posters, delivering them to the Conference Secretariat on the day of their arrival in case of attending in person. We recommend an emphasis on the visual aspects of the poster, and a maximum of 800 words for the body of the poster.
Posters accepted will be exhibited for the whole duration of the AIBR Conference. Besides, there will be specific moments in which the authors should remain close to their work to be able to explain their research to the interested public. These informative times will be determined by the author of the poster, and they will indicate them in a note that should be placed next to their poster.
In the event that the Conference had to be held exclusively Online, the posters would be exhibited and presented by their authors, in virtual
The author will register his/her proposal in the proposal submission form on the submission portal, indicating that it is a Workshop, presenting a title and a summary with a minimum of 175 and a maximum of 250 words, in which the characteristics and goals of the workshop will be explained, as well as its duration, maximum number of participants. The authors also should specify if they have any special needs (e.g. the classroom layout, audio, etc.).
If the author considers that the workshop will last longer than two hours, the Organization should be informed in the abstract of the proposal, and the possibility of splitting it into two sessions will be evaluated, to make it fit into the Conference schedule.
The author will inscribe their proposal in the submission form of the website, indicating that it is the presentation of a book. Please, enter the details of the title, and a summary of the book with a minimum of 175 words and a maximum of 250 words. In addition, please upload a file (.jpeg or .pdf) of the cover of the book, so that we can include it as part of the Conference program for promotional use (you must attach this file in an email addressed to info.congreso@aibr.org).
The author will register their proposal in the web through the registration form, indicating the “Other formats” box. Please, include a title and a summary of the activity of a minimum of 175 words and a maximum of 250 words, in which the characteristics and goals of the special format will be explained, as well as its duration, and any special needs (maximum and minimum number of attendees, formulas proposed for the control, acquisition or acceptance of said attendees (online forms, etc), place/spaces necessary for the development of the activity, maximum duration, technical requirements, etc).
If you need more information about the special formats, you can consult the “Special Formats” section of our Frequently Asked Questions.
There is a maximum of 6 co-authors for each proposal. However, only one person will be able to present the work in the Conference. By default, the Organization grants that role to the person who has registered the proposal. Any change in this respect must be notified by email to the Conference Organization before MAY 15th, 2024.
All the co-authors must be registered for the Conference so that they can receive their certificate of participation and appear in the Program and the Aries Journal.
If the main author cannot attend the Conference to present the work, no one from the Organization or any other member of the panel or the public will be able to present their communication. Only a co-author enrolled in the Conference and listed in the proposal may present the proposal in the absence of the main author, as it would be the only person capable of discussing the results of such work.
The delivery of the certificate of participation in the Conference (for panels, oral communications, posters, audiovisuals, workshops or others) is subject to the author or co-author presenting their proposal, within the framework of the Conference. No presentations read by other people who are not authors or co-authors will be accepted (no certificates will be issued in this case).
Coordinating a panel involves convening 4 to 6 speakers (the coordinator himself/herself may or may not be one of them, but in no case shall the maximum of six panelists be exceeded), design a panel that has coherence as a whole, register it, serve as a bridge between the panelists and the Organization, inform them of how they should register their communication (its registered theme and name), and also be present during the panel’s presentation, coordinating turn-taking, controlling intervention times and directing the subsequent debate. Only if these requirements are met will the corresponding certification be obtained. In all cases, there will be a single coordinator for each panel.
Moderating a panel involves briefly presenting the panelists, coordinating turn-taking and controlling intervention times, as well as directing the subsequent discussion or debate. With the open communications that are received, the Organization will create thematic panels and will propose a panel participant to act as moderator of the panel. There is no commitment on the part of the proposed moderator to accept the request.
Proposals may be presented in the official languages of the Conference: Spanish, English or Portuguese. Both the panels that are already registered and the thematic panels that are created by the Organization after gathering the individual communications, may be composed of communications in any of these three languages. The AIBR Conference would like to promote the multilingual dialogue that has been taking place for years in the field of Ibero-American Anthropology.
In the panels created by the Organization, we will always try to include communications in the same language, although exceptionally they may include communications in different languages.
The proposals will be submitted to peer evaluation using a double-blind method, carried out by two members of the Scientific Committee, and in case of clear disparity in the evaluations, a third double-blind evaluation will be carried out. In the case of the panels presented to the Conference, it is essential that all panelists register their abstracts before the deadline for submitting proposals, so that the panel can be referred to the Scientific Committee for evaluation.
Research on a variety of topics can be submitted, and both free papers and full panel proposals based on studies carried out from an anthropological perspective can be sent.
In the registration form you will find a drop-down menu with a wide variety of topics in which to frame your work. This choice is relevant for the selection of evaluators with academic expertise in the area of your research.
- Once the acceptance of a proposal by the Scientific Committee has been notified, participants must register in the Conference website before APRIL 14th, 2024. After this deadline, those proposals whose authors have not registered and made a payment for the registration fee will be automatically eliminated from the Program. The registration will not be completed in any case until all supporting documentation requested by the Organization is delivered and the payment completed. In the case of accepted panels, please keep in mind that these will only continue to be included in the Program if at least 4 participants have completed their registration within the stipulated registration period. Otherwise, the panel will be removed from the Conference, and the approved and registered communications will be distributed in other panels, according to the criteria of the Organization and according to the chosen theme.
- No author or co-author will appear in the Program who has not made the payment of the registration fee and provided the documentation required by the Organization in each case, by APRIL 14th, 2024.
- The person who registers in the Conference to present a piece of work, in any of its formats, must have availability to present it at any time within the calendar of the Conference. Requests of preferred days or time slots will not be considered.
Members of AIBR are not required to provide any additional documentation, as long as their membership is up to date. The following documents are essential for the registration of students, those in unemployment or retired, and members of APA, ABA and any association under the ASAEE (former FAAEE):
- STUDENTS: A certificate issued by the Secretary of your institution stating that you carry out studies during the year 2024. A scanned document of the tuition payment corresponding to the 2023-2024 academic year can also be accepted. POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERS WILL NEED TO PAY PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION FEES.
- UNEMPLOYED: In Spain: Certificate issued by the official body (INEM). Other countries: certificate issued by the corresponding official institution and if there is no such institution, an affidavit (before a notary) of unemployment status by the time of registration will be admitted.
- RETIRED: Certificate issued by the corresponding official institution that certifies the applicant’s retirement status. An affidavit (before a notary) of the retirement situation at the date of registration will also be admitted.
- MEMBERS OF ASAEE ASSOCIATIONS: Certificate issued by your Association Secretariat, including an updated date certifying current membership and up-to-date payment. No other type of document will be accepted.
- MEMBERS OF APA: Certificate issued by the Portuguese Association of Anthropology, including an updated date certifying current membership, and up-to-date payment. No other type of document will be accepted.
- MEMBERS OF ABA: Certificate issued by the Brazilian Association of Anthropology, including an updated date certifying current membership, and up-to-date payment. No other type of document will be accepted.
Once registered, if you wish to cancel your registration, you will be reimbursed 60% of the amount paid. This is only applicable if you request this cancellation before 24:00 h (Spanish mainland time) on APRIL14th, 2024. As of APRIL 15th, no payment will be refunded.
If you are a participant with an approved proposal, and you do not finish your registration before 24:00 h (Spanish peninsular time) on APRIL 14th, 2024, your proposal will be automatically eliminated from the Program.
The summaries of all the communications accepted and included in the Program will be published once the Conference is over in the journal ARIES: ANUARIO DE ANTROPOLOGÍA IBEROAMERICANA (with ISSN 2530-7843).
The authors of communications presented at the AIBR Conference will have the opportunity to publish the full text of their communication in the ARIES journal. After the closing of the Congress, the ARIES editorial team will contact conference participants to inform them of how to upload their texts.
For more information, visit the AIBR website: http://aries.aibr.org/
NOTE: This regulation is subject to modifications by the Organizing Committee of the Conference and the Board of Directors of AIBR.